Mesa SEO

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing the technical elements of a website to ensure that it can be accessed by search engines. This includes everything from site structure and URLs to speed and mobile optimization. It can help a website rank higher in search results and improve user satisfaction. Contact us to learn more about

The most obvious reason why technical SEO is important is that it helps search engines understand and crawl a website more effectively. This can result in increased visibility, a greater number of visitors, and an increase in website sales. 

Crawlability: Google and other search engines use bots to index your content and determine how well it reflects what users are searching for. These bots pick up data about your website, such as URLs and content, to help them determine where to rank your pages on SERPs (search engine results pages). 

In order for a website to be crawled, it must be free of broken and dead links. It also needs to be optimized for mobile devices so that it can display correctly on any device. 

Page Loading: The faster a website loads, the better for users and search engines alike. It’s one of the most significant ranking factors for search engines, so your web developers and programmers can make a huge difference by improving page speed loading times and ensuring that the content on your website is optimized for speed. 

Meta Tags: These tags, which contain information about the pages of a website and what they’re about, help search engine robots identify and understand the content on your site. They can include keywords, images, and other relevant information. They can also be used for linking purposes when sharing your website on social media platforms or other websites. 

HTTPS: This is a secure version of HTTP that protects your website’s privacy by encrypting sensitive user information. Many of the top search engines, including Google, consider HTTPS a valuable ranking signal, so it’s a good idea to use SSL for your website and implement HTTPS security measures as soon as possible. 

Navigation: Clear and easy-to-navigate navigation menus are essential for guiding users to the content they’re looking for. They should be organized in a logical and intuitive way, using descriptive labels and limiting their numbers to avoid overwhelming users. 

Pagination: If you’re breaking up a large article into multiple pages or sections, pagination can be helpful for guiding search bots to the correct location. It can also be useful for determining how closely related different pages are, which can improve your search engine rankings. 

Duplicate Content: If you have duplicate content on your website, it can be confusing for search bots and may make your site appear less relevant to your users. To avoid this, you should carefully scan your website for duplicate content and remove it as soon as possible. 

404 Errors: If your website has any 404 pages, it’s important to create a 301 redirect to send users to the correct page on your site. This can be done through the use of Google’s 301 redirect tool, which can be found in the Google Search Console.