What Questions to Ask an SEO Company?

If you’re in the market for a new SEO agency to help your company rank higher on Google, there are some important questions you should ask. These will help you determine whether or not the agency you’re interviewing is the right fit for your business. Contact us to learn more about mesa seo company

1. What are your SEO goals and strategies? 

Having a clear understanding of your business’s objectives will make it easier for you to discuss potential SEO tactics with your prospective agency. Also, it will give you a sense of their expertise and how they plan to implement your campaign. 

2. What are your past successes and failures? 

A successful marketing agency should be able to offer examples of past campaigns that have achieved results for their clients. This will help you better understand how well they’ve done and if their approach is a good fit for your company. 

  1. What success metrics do you use to measure your SEO strategy?

Ideally, you want your SEO agency to be transparent about what success means for your company and how they’ll measure it. This will help you build trust with them and ensure that they’re focusing on your objectives. 

4. How often do you report on your progress? 

How frequently an SEO agency reports on its progress will depend on the size of your project. However, it’s typically best to receive updates at least once a month. If the agency does not update you on your SEO progress, it may be an indication that they aren’t effective at tracking results. 

  1. How do you keep up with changes in the SEO world?

It’s important to ask your SEO company how they stay up to date on industry changes and Google algorithm updates. These changes can be significant and impact your rankings. 

If your agency isn’t keeping up, it might be a sign that they don’t care about your goals or are using black-hat methods to improve your rankings. These techniques aren’t effective in the long run and could result in a penalty from Google or other search engines. 

6. How do you track your SEO performance? 

The best SEO companies will be able to provide you with monthly reporting that includes metrics such as traffic, leads, rankings, optimizations, and an overall strategy. This should give you a clear idea of how your campaign is doing and where it needs improvement. 

7. What is your strategy for link-building? 

A quality SEO agency will be able to describe its link-building strategy in terms of fostering relationships with influencers and editors. This is far more effective than generating hundreds of links in blog comments or other automated link-building methods. 

8. How do you build quality backlinks? 

Unless you are already an established source, building links to your site will take time. This is why it’s a good idea to choose an SEO agency with a long history of helping clients build backlinks and earn top-ranking placements on major search engines.