What Kind of Insurance Should an SEO Company Have? 

SEO companies are vital to business growth in today’s digital age. They generate leads and traffic to websites through search engines like Google. If your website doesn’t appear high on search engine results pages, you are missing out on valuable business that could be driving your revenue and success. 

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Your clients pay you to run advertising on specific brand words that are crucial to their businesses. When you fail to deliver on those terms, they are angry and sue your firm for monetary damages. 

To avoid these types of situations, you should always ensure that you have a robust insurance strategy in place. This way, you can rest easy knowing that if something unexpected happens to your company or your clients, you will be protected and able to recover quickly. 

There are many different kinds of insurance policies that are available to search marketing companies. The right policy can protect your business against a number of different risks, including property damage and bodily injury. 

Among the common insurance options that search marketing agencies should have are general liability and professional indemnity policies. These policies are designed to protect your business from a variety of different risks, including lawsuits and data breaches. 

E&O (professional liability)

A professional SEO company needs to have this type of insurance coverage to cover costs related to a client’s lawsuit over an ineffective or negligent campaign. This policy can also cover intellectual property and media liability. 

Cyber liability

As an SEO consultant, you likely rely on digital systems and networks that are vulnerable to hacking attacks. A cybersecurity breach can damage your reputation and result in a large financial loss for your business. 

If your company is hacked, you may be held liable for the resulting data loss and ransom payments. This can be devastating to your business, and this coverage will provide the financial assistance you need to stay in business after a hack. 

Other insurance that your SEO company should have includes property insurance and commercial auto insurance. These policies can help your company recover from property damage and a car crash that occurs on your premises. 

You can also get workers’ compensation insurance for your employees if they are injured on the job or suffer from a work-related illness. This policy can protect you from lawsuits filed by injured employees and reimburse you for lost wages. 

Employment practices liability insurance pays for legal fees and compensation if you are sued by an employee because of workplace discrimination or harassment. This type of policy is required by some state laws and can be purchased through your employer’s insurance program. 

Depending on the size of your company, you may be required to carry other forms of insurance as well. Some insurance providers may offer specialized coverage for your industry, so be sure to ask your agent about these options before making a decision on an insurance policy.