What Kind of Content Should You Create to Improve Your Law Firm’s SEO? 

Law firm content marketing is a key part of any successful digital strategy. And, with search engines getting smarter and competition for top spots growing, it’s even more important that the content you create be useful, valuable, and targeted to your audience. Contact us to learn more about seo consultant mesa

The first step in a law firm’s relationship with a potential client is to connect and build trust. The only way to do this effectively is with attorney content that demonstrates expertise and authority. This is the essence of lawyer SEO, which focuses on creating content that embodies the pillars of Google’s E-E-A-T (expertise, experience, authority, and trust) quality guidelines. 

As you might expect, a law firm’s website should contain plenty of information about the practice areas that it specializes in. However, it’s also crucial to provide additional information about the specific issues that your clients face. You can do this by utilizing long-form content like ebooks and whitepapers that provide an in-depth exploration of the topic in question. The goal is to give your readers a reason to stay on your site longer, which will improve your law firm’s SEO. 

For example, if you’re an employment law firm, you can include up-to-date data about workplace discrimination or harassment statistics, or wage disputes. This kind of information helps your audience make an informed decision about whether or not to contact you, and it will also give your site a significant SEO boost. 

In addition to written content, you can also use images and video to help your audience understand the complexities of different legal issues. This can be particularly effective if you’re dealing with an issue that involves multiple parties or complex legal concepts. Video and images can be a powerful tool in your law firm’s online arsenal, but remember to keep the content relevant and up-to-date. 

The best place to start when implementing a law firm SEO strategy is by researching keywords that your prospects are using to find you. It’s also a good idea to review competitor websites for any recurring themes or words or phrases that appear frequently. Once you’ve identified the most relevant keywords, you can begin incorporating them into your own content. Be sure to do so sparingly, though. Overusing keywords can feel spammy to readers and could potentially get you penalized by search engines. This practice is known as keyword stuffing, and it can severely damage your website’s rankings. To avoid this, focus on creating high-quality content that answers the questions your prospects are asking and include keywords in natural ways.