Mesa SEO

A well-executed technical SEO strategy includes many tactics aimed at ensuring that your website is crawlable by search engine bots and can be easily indexed by search engines. These include things like page loading time, proper title tags, and more. Contact us to learn more about best seo company in mesa az

One of the most important files on your server is the robots.txt file, which allows you to define rules for how bots interact with your website. Having this information readily available can help ensure that your website is crawled properly and ranked accordingly. 


There are several different types of directives you can use in your robots.txt file, each of which is used to tell bots a different rule about your site. Here are some of the most common ones: 


The user-agent is a command that lets you target a specific bot or spider with your directives. This is a great way to get specific instructions for bots that you know have a strong chance of crawling your site. You can also use a wildcard user-agent, which is listed with a (*) asterisk, to make it easier to target multiple bots at once. 


The disallow command instructs search engine bots not to scan a certain part of your website. The value of this command can be a particular file, URL, or directory. This can be especially useful if you have certain sections of your website that aren’t meant for public access or should be sanitized before they are crawled. 


The crawl-delay command instructs search engine bots not to visit your website so frequently, which may help save your server’s resources. You can set a crawl delay of between 1-30 seconds, which can help save your website’s bandwidth and make it more responsive for users. 

Crawl-delay can cause problems if you have lots of pages on your website, so it’s important to take care when using this command. If your server is overloaded, this could lead to crawling issues for both your site and the search engines. 


The allow command lets you give search engine bots permission to access a certain sub-directory of your website, even if it’s in a disallowed directory. This is especially helpful for Googlebot, as it’s often hard to identify sub-directories by name. 


The no index directive is a key element of technical SEO. It tells bots not to index certain pages on your site, which can improve the overall performance of your website and increase the number of people that find it. 

Meta robots tags:

In order to control what search engine bots do to a particular page, you need to add a meta robots tag to the head> section of the page. These tags are usually in the form of name=” or content=”, and they tell the search engine bots what you want them to do when they visit a specific page. 

The most important thing to remember about meta robots tags is that they are case-sensitive, so be sure you enter the correct user-agent and other details correctly. This is particularly true if you’re going to be using multiple user agents and you don’t want them to confuse your bots.