What is the importance of call-to-action buttons in conversion rate optimization? 

The answer is that the CTA button is a key component of any website, landing page, or email marketing message. Without one, visitors to your website or landing page are likely to bounce off your site, leaving them nowhere to go. However, if your CTA button is strategically placed, visually appealing, and optimized to get your visitors to click on it, then you can dramatically increase your conversion rates. 

What are CTAs?

A call-to-action is a button that inspires your website visitors to take action, typically on a desired conversion goal. That could be anything from subscribing to your newsletter, signing up for a free trial, adding an item to their shopping cart, or filling out a contact form. 

What makes a good call-to-action? 

A great call-to-action can draw in more users and improve your conversion rate by convincing them to take the next step in the sales process. That is why so many businesses spend time testing and improving their CTAs. Here are some tips to help you improve yours: 

Make the CTA stand out: 

The color and size of a call-to-action button is often what gets people’s attention, but it’s also important that the CTA has compelling copy. You can use contrasting colors to grab the user’s attention, and make sure that your text is clear and inviting. 

Include an arrow:

A direct path from the copy to the CTA is another great way to make your CTAs stand out, as shown on Social Media Examiner’s website. The arrow makes it easy for the user to follow a logical path to their desired action, even if the CTA is off-center or not immediately visible. 

Add a sense of urgency or excitement to your call-to-action.

A strong sense of urgency can attract more traffic and increase conversions, as seen on the website of The Next Web. The company ran an A/B test and found that adding a sense of urgency to their deals pages resulted in a significant increase in conversions. 

Create a call-to-action that’s directly related to the desired action.

You want your call-to-action to be relevant to what your visitor needs and wants. It should reflect your end goal (signing up for a free trial) but also something that will provide value for your visitor, like scheduling a demo or registering for a live event. 

Create an effective call-to-action that’s specifically designed for your target audience.

You need to consider the type of person you’re trying to convert, their preferred language, and what they expect from your company. Using first-person language can improve your conversions by making your calls-to-action more personal and enticing. 

Keep the reader in mind when designing your call-to-action.

The most common mistake that marketers make with their calls-to-action is writing them for their customers rather than for their audience. This is a major cause of conversion failure, and can be avoided by writing your CTAs with your readers in mind.