Mesa SEO

Pay-per-results SEO is a form of search engine optimization that focuses on keywords and rankings. Providers work with clients to analyze their websites and determine how to increase rankings. The two parties then agree on a price per keyword or rank acquired. When a client sees a significant increase in ranking for their keywords, they pay the provider. Contact us to learn more about

Pay-per-performance SEO 

If you’re looking to get more organic traffic to your website, you might want to consider using Pay-per-performance SEO services. This pricing model allows you to only pay when you see positive results. The downside to this pricing model is that it won’t encourage you to develop a long-term digital marketing strategy. 

One of the biggest problems with this type of SEO is that you may end up wasting a large amount of money. Pay-per-performance SEO agencies often resort to black-hat SEO techniques like exact-match anchor text and spinning content. These tactics can bring quick results, but they can lead to Google penalizing your website. 

It’s a long-term strategy 

SEO is a long-term strategy that can boost your website’s visibility. Search engine optimization is a process that can take months or even years. It starts with good keyword research. A well-designed website is also essential. It should be built with the end user in mind. 

It’s based on a commission rate rather than a flat fee 

Pay-per-results SEO, also known as performance-based SEO, differs from regular SEO. While regular SEO is based on keywords and campaigns, pay-per-results SEO is based on specific results for a specific period. For example, performance-based SEO works by charging a client a percentage of each conversion, rather than a flat fee for each click or impression. 

It’s not scalable for long-tail keywords 

Using long tail keywords is a great way to target a specific segment of search traffic. This type of traffic is much more likely to convert into a client than less specific search terms. Moreover, these keywords are free from the limits of organic and paid traffic. 

Long tail keywords are targeted to the decision-making and deep research stages of a user’s search. While they are suited for paid search results, they are also great for organic rankings. While ranking organically for long-tail keywords can be challenging, paying for them can help you get to the top quickly.