Mesa SEO

What Are Some Common Technical SEO Issues That Affect Search Engine Rankings? 

Technical SEO issues are some of the most common website problems that affect search engine rankings. These are often overlooked, but fixing them can help your site rank better and increase traffic. Contact us to learn more about

Page Speed is a key ranking factor for Google and other search engines, so slow websites can have major consequences for your search engine rankings. This is why it’s important to make sure your site loads as quickly as possible. 

This can be done by enabling compression, removing hidden text, and other optimizations. In some cases, the speed of your website may be negatively impacted by a server configuration issue or other underlying technical issues, so it’s important to address these problems before they impact your site’s search performance. 

The best way to identify and fix this problem is to use a tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights. It will show you how fast your pages load and give you an actionable list of things you can do to improve them. 

Duplicate Content & Canonical URLs. 

This is one of the most important technical SEO issues to look out for. If you have duplicate content on your website, it can cause Google to index the wrong version of a page and rank it lower in search results. 

A great way to avoid this is to add a canonical tag to the duplicate pages on your site. This will tell search engines which version of a page is the preferred version and which one they should ignore. 

Broken Images & Links.

Broken images are another common website problem that can negatively affect your search engine rankings. They are also a cause of high bounce rates, so it’s essential to check your images regularly for broken links. 

These can be caused by a number of things, including a change in the file after the image has been published or changes to the domain name. A broken link is a dead end for users and can have a negative impact on your search engine rankings. 

You can use a broken link checker to find out where the link is leading and fix it, if necessary. This will ensure that your website has a good user experience and is indexable by search engines. 

The most effective ways to fix this issue are by removing all the links that lead to a broken page or by redirecting them to the correct URL. This will help your SEO by reducing your bounce rate and improving your search engine rankings. 

In addition, you should use a broken link checker to see which keywords are driving visitors to the page that has a broken link. This will allow you to target the right keywords and improve your search engine rankings. 

Structured Data is Code That Helps Search Engines Understand Your Content.

Adding structured data to your website can help you improve your search engine rankings. This can be done by using a structured data markup helper in an SEO tool or manually adding the code to your site’s HTML.