What are some best practices for improving conversion rates?
Best Practices For Improving Conversion Rates.
Conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors who take an action on your site – whether that’s filling out a form, signing up for your email list or downloading a white paper. It’s an important measure for your business, because it helps you understand how effective your marketing campaigns are.
One common mistake that marketers make is setting unrealistic conversion goals and expecting major uplifts. This can lead to heartburn and a lack of motivation for the team, which can result in wasted time, resources, and money.
The right expectations are essential for a successful CRO program. Creating reasonable conversion goals is one of the most critical first steps in setting up your CRO strategy and optimizing your website for improved conversions.
In addition to having realistic conversion goals, you also need to have a clear plan for testing and implementing changes that will improve your conversion rate. Using a tool like VWO Insights allows you to create specific conversion goals for your site and track visitor behavior against them so that you can optimize your website and increase the number of conversions on your site.
Start small and scale large: When setting up a new CRO program, it’s a good idea to start with small wins that can be quickly translated to larger conversion gains. Identify where your conversion rates are lowest and start testing in that area.
Use a mix of search and product recommendations: Customer research has shown that 35% of what customers buy online comes from product recommendations. This is because most shoppers prefer a personalized experience. To make this happen, consider adding features like automated product recommendations and search suggestions that help customers find what they want more easily.
Keep forms short and simple: Studies have shown that shorter forms generate higher conversions than longer ones. Reducing the number of fields on your signup or checkout form can increase your conversion rate by up to 13.4 percent.
Include social proof on your website: It’s important to display reviews and testimonials from happy customers. A Canvas8 study found that 49% of consumers consider positive reviews a top purchase influence. By including social proof on your website, you can build trust with customers and increase your conversion rate.
Add a call to action: If you’re not getting conversions from your website, it may be because your website isn’t giving users a clear call to action. A clickable call to action can increase conversions by up to 45%.
Make your site easy to navigate: According to KoMarketing, 37% of shoppers say that poor navigation is enough to make them leave a website. By making it easier for users to find what they need, you can increase your site’s conversion rate by up to 10%.
Test regularly: It’s important to always be testing and refining your website’s design. It’s also a great way to ensure that your content is optimized for the right keywords and phrases.
Get your customer data in the right place: If you’re collecting customer information on your website, it’s crucial that you have a central repository of this information. This can be a database, a spreadsheet, or even a Google Doc. You can then use this data to make sure that your website is performing optimally and providing the best customer experience possible.