Search Engine Optimization (SEO) How-To? 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of any business or website owner’s strategy. It helps to improve your website’s rankings on Google and other search engines, and it can lead to increased traffic and revenue for your business.

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SEO is a broad term that covers several different strategies and tactics that you can use to optimize your site’s content and page titles for better search results. While SEO can be a complex process that requires the help of professional web developers, there are plenty of simple and inexpensive things you can do to improve your SEO and drive more organic traffic to your site. 

On-page SEO

One of the most essential ways to improve your website’s search engine rankings is to create high-quality, keyword-rich content on your site. You can use a variety of tools to help you find and write relevant keywords, including keyword research tools like Google Adwords. 

Another crucial aspect of on-page SEO is to make sure that your pages are structured in a way that Google can understand them easily. This includes using a well-structured URL and title tag, which is what shows up at the top of your browser when a user clicks on a search result. You can also use a simple sitemap plugin if you’re using WordPress or an online XML sitemap generator. 

On-page SEO can be an extremely effective way to generate free, organic traffic to your site. But it’s important to note that search engine algorithms are constantly changing, so you need to be constantly updating your site to keep up with the latest search engine trends. 


The content on your website is the most important factor in determining how well your pages will rank in search results. This means creating quality, engaging content that people actually want to read. This will improve your site’s SEO, and it will also help you build trust with potential customers. 

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are an important part of your on-page SEO strategy, and they can help you get more clicks on your search result snippets. These descriptions are usually no more than 160 characters, so you’ll want to create ones that are unique and helpful for users. 


Schema is a set of HTML tags that helps search engines display structured data on SERPs, and it’s a great way to boost your rankings on Google. 

Image Alt Text

Including relevant, useful alt text on your images can help improve your site’s SEO. This is because search crawlers can only read your site’s HTML code, and they won’t be able to see the images on your site without using alt text. By including alt text, you’re telling search crawlers that your images are related to the keywords a user is searching. 

Optimizing for Mobile

Google has a new index that evaluates your pages from the perspective of a mobile user, so it’s important to ensure that your website is fully responsive to both desktop and mobile devices. If your website doesn’t display properly on a mobile device, you’ll lose important search ranking signals, which could hurt your site’s search results in the long run.