How to Search Engine Optimization For Free?

SEO (search engine optimization) is an essential part of running an e-commerce business. You can’t expect to get website traffic if you haven’t optimized your site for search engines like Google. Contact us to learn more about seo services mesa

Thankfully, there are plenty of free SEO tools out there that can help you improve your site’s visibility in organic search. Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or a beginner, these tools can make the process easier for you. 

Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO, so you should always do your research before making any changes to your website. Use a tool such as Google Trends to see what words are searched for the most, and how those words change over time. 

Competition analysis is another crucial aspect of SEO, so you should check your competitors’ keyword rankings. Arel=”no opener” target=”_blank” Ahrefs is a simple, free tool that lets you enter your URL and find out how many other sites are ranking for the keywords you want to target. 

Content analysis is another important aspect of SEO, so you should always make sure your content is search-engine friendly. Yoast offers a free tool for WordPress and Shopify that helps you analyze your pages’ SEO in real time. 


Quite possibly the most powerful analytics tool, Google Analytics tracks pretty much everything about your website’s traffic. It also includes some useful SEO metrics, such as how much traffic you get from searches and where that traffic comes from. 

Log file analyzer

Screaming Frog’s log file analyzer is a handy tool for identifying how Googlebot crawls your site. It’s a quick and easy way to identify any technical issues that could be holding your website back in the rankings.