How to Do SEO Keyword Research Without Tools? 

Keyword research is the first step in any SEO strategy and it’s essential to understanding your target market and what they desire from your website. This information should be used to inform all other aspects of your marketing and SEO efforts, including on-site SEO, content topics, outreach, and promotion. Contact us to learn more about seo agency in mesa

The most common way to find keywords is by using a tool such as Google Keyword Planner, but there are also a number of ways you can do keyword research without the need for paid tools. One such tool is crowdsourcing, whereby you ask your followers to suggest keywords that they would use when searching for your products or services. 

This technique can be a great way to find new ideas for keywords, and it is especially useful when it comes to longer-tail phrases. These are more specific, which means they’re likely to bring a much higher level of relevant traffic than shorter-tail keywords. 

Another way to come up with keywords is by looking at the related search terms that pop up when you type a keyword into Google. This will provide you with a lot of new and relevant keywords to add to your list. 

Alternatively, you can head over to your business-related Facebook Groups and search for the topics that people in your audience are interested in. This is a free and easy way to discover a huge number of new potential keywords for your site. 

Once you’ve done this, plug those keywords into a keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Planner and see what they suggest. It’s a great way to cut down your keyword list and focus on the best keywords for your site. 

Next, check out what your competitors are ranking for and look at the keywords they’re currently focusing on. This will give you a sense of which terms are the most valuable for their websites and help you get a feel for how to improve your own website’s rankings by targeting similar words. 

These types of strategies are often called content gap analysis and they can be a fantastic way to uncover new keywords for your own website. 

This is because entire websites don’t rank for keywords — pages do, so it is important to target a variety of unique and relevant keywords across your site’s different content types. 

When you do this, you’ll be able to identify the kind of page you’ll need to create in order to maximize your chances of ranking for each keyword. This will enable you to optimize a single page for multiple keywords at once or create separate pages for each of your most valuable keywords. 

Once you’ve discovered these new keywords, you can now start crafting content around them and promoting your site in search engines. This will help you to build links to your site and generate reliable organic traffic for your brand. 

The most important thing to remember when doing keyword research is to consider the intent behind the keywords you’re targeting. This is increasingly becoming more important than the actual keywords themselves because user intent now plays such a pivotal role in how well your content ranks on search engines like Google.