Mesa SEO

If you want to optimize your website for search engines and boost your ranking, a thorough on-page SEO audit is an absolute must. It will help you make real and concrete improvements in your rankings, organic traffic, and site performance. Contact us to learn more about mesa seo agency

Content is a fundamental on-page SEO factor that should not be overlooked. Google wants to see unique, relevant, and updated content on your website that meets user needs. The goal of this is to drive more incoming traffic, increase brand awareness, and improve your overall search engine visibility. 

Your content should also be search engine optimized, with proper title tags and meta descriptions. The title tag should have a relevant keyword, and the description should contain information that answers your users’ questions as quickly as possible. 

Ensure that all your pages have unique, well-written content. If you have a lot of duplicate content, that can hurt your rankings and cause problems for your users. If you have content that is dated, you should consider revamping it to better reflect the current state of your business. 

Check your top pages for any broken links or 404 errors (pages that aren’t found). A bad link can have a big impact on your user experience, and it can even negatively affect your site’s ranking. 

If you’re not sure how to get started, use a tool like Google Search Console. This will allow you to see any issues your pages may have and fix them. 

Google Search Console will also give you insight into Core Web Vitals, a ranking factor that measures the health of your site. It can detect any issues with your site’s mobile and desktop performance and recommend ways to improve. 

You should do this at least twice a year to make sure your site is up-to-date and in line with the latest Google algorithm updates. 

Using an SEO audit checklist will speed up your process and make it more manageable. Moreover, you’ll be able to focus on the important things. 

The 80/20 rule should apply to technical SEO audits, meaning that 20% of the input will have 80% of the results. Keeping that in mind, you should prioritize technical fixes first. 

Your site’s load time is an important factor in your SEO, and it can have a negative impact on your rankings. To ensure that your pages load fast, you should compress images and remove unnecessary elements from your site. 

This can be done manually, but you can also do it automatically through tools that will scan your site for these issues. An audit that includes a page-level report on loading times can help you identify which pages need improvement and help you make the best decisions on how to fix them. 

Similarly, a competitor domain audit can give you an idea of what keywords your competitors are targeting. This will show you where you have opportunities for new keywords and backlinks.