Mesa SEO

Performing off-page SEO is one of the most effective ways to improve your search engine rankings, boost your traffic, and increase your website’s authority. However, implementing an off-page SEO strategy is a lot more complicated than you might think. Contact us to learn more about best mesa seo agency

Fortunately, we’ve put together a WordPress SEO checklist that can help you get started! If you follow these 12 simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to boosting your search engine ranking and increasing your website traffic and revenue. 

On-page SEO: Create quality content that nudges search engines toward ranking your pages higher.

A major factor in on-page SEO is making sure your page titles and HTML tags are optimized for your ideal keywords. Using tools like Google Adwords and Keyword Magic to research keywords can help you find the best possible keywords for your content. 

Internal linking: Use proper internal links to make it easy for search engines and users to navigate your site.

This off-page SEO task is especially important for WordPress sites, because it’s one of the most popular and powerful SEO strategies. Having consistent and relevant internal links between blog posts, articles, FAQs, product pages, and other content helps search engine crawlers understand your site structure and index it properly. It also passes link equity (also known as “link juice”) from high-authority pages, which can boost your rankings and improve click through rates. 

Adding schema markup: Customize your website with Schema markup to tell search engines more about the content you’re writing, so they can display rich snippets in search results.

Local citations: Add your business to trusted citation sites and directories, like Google My Business, so people can find you.

Having a listing on Google My Business will give your business visibility in Google search results and help you rank for keywords that include your company name and location. It’s also a great way to attract new customers and build brand awareness. 

Reach out to bloggers: Email bloggers to ask them to link back to your content or mention you on their blog.

When you send an email to a blogger, be sure to offer them something of value in return. This can be an infographic, tool, or even a research study that they can use to enhance their own content. 

Use your social media accounts: Share your content on as many platforms as you can.

Using your social media accounts to promote your content can boost the number of people who see it, which is another SEO benefit. It can also help you connect with other bloggers and influencers, which can lead to more links to your content. 

Invest in a reliable web hosting provider: Choose a hosting plan that’s scalable, offers reliable customer support, and is located in the United States to improve your site’s speed and performance for visitors.

Ensure your website has a responsive design: If your website doesn’t load properly on mobile devices, you won’t be able to capture all of your target market’s attention and you may lose their trust and conversions. A responsive design is an essential aspect of search engine optimization and will help your business stand out from the crowd.