How Do You Measure Search Engine Optimization? 

In the same way that professional athletes measure every step of their routines, marketers need to know how they’re doing with search engine optimization. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to track key performance indicators (KPIs) that show how well your SEO strategy is working. Contact us to learn more about seo agency in mesa

Conversion Rate

One of the most important metrics you should be tracking is your conversion rate. This metric shows how well your SEO efforts are leading to leads that convert into sales or other desired actions for your business. For example, this metric could include the number of leads that become customers, subscribers to your email list, or purchases from your website. 

Using Google Analytics, you can set up custom goals to track how well your site is performing in terms of conversions. Then, you can see how many people are converting into leads, and what actions they took on your site to do so. 

A good goal to measure your website’s performance is the total amount of traffic that’s coming from organic search. This means that a higher percentage of your visitors are coming from search engines rather than paid advertisements on the web. 

Search engines like Google use a variety of metrics to determine where websites should be ranked in their SERPs, or search engine results from pages. It’s important to stay on top of these trends so that you can make adjustments when necessary. 

Your keyword rankings are a great indicator of your progress with SEO. However, it’s important to remember that Google’s algorithm is constantly changing. In fact, there are 500-600 updates made to their core algorithm every year. 

In addition, Google’s search results are much more personalized than they were ten years ago. In order to provide the best experience for users, Google uses geo-location, search history, and other factors to personalize each search result. 

As a result, your ranking may drop for irrelevant keywords that we’re sending you for the majority of your organic search traffic. However, it’s also possible that your overall traffic numbers are rising, and this may indicate that Google is sending you a high-quality, targeted audience. 

Another metric to track is the CTR (click-through rate) for your search results. Unlike impressions, this metric is more directly connected to your organic search results. You can find it in your Google Search Console “Performance” report. 

There are a number of factors that can impact your click-through rates, but the most important is your ranking position in the SERPs. If you’re ranking lower than you should be, your website needs to be optimized to improve its click-through rates. 

Page Speed

Having a fast-loading website is a critical factor in user experience. Especially in today’s fast-paced, tech-savvy world. A slow-loading page can turn away potential customers before they even have the chance to read your content. 

The first thing to do when optimizing your page speed is to make sure that all of the important pages on your website are properly indexed by Google. This can be done through Google Search Console or other tools.