How Do I SEO My Company Website? 

There are a number of simple SEO strategies that you can use to improve your website and get it ranking well on search engines like Google. If you have a small business or want to promote an e-commerce site, SEO is essential for driving quality traffic to your website. Contact us to learn more about best seo company in mesa az

Understand Your Customer Avatar 

First, it’s important to know who your target audience is and what their needs are. This information will help you create content that meets their needs and helps your customers find your company when they’re looking for it. 

Next, it’s important to develop a strong website architecture that makes it easy for search engines to crawl and index your pages. This includes adding a sitemap and using Schema markup on your homepage. 

This can be done through a plugin for WordPress or an online XML sitemap generator. It will help your search engine optimizer (SEO) know what pages you have on your site and what content is available there. 

Keep Your Links To A Minimum 

It’s a good idea to make sure that your internal and external links only link to pages on your website that are relevant to what the user is trying to do. This will ensure that your users are able to navigate your website and it will also allow Google to crawl your site more easily and understand what you’re trying to say. 

Be sure to use anchor text that tells a user and Google what you’re trying to say. This can be done by writing generic words like “page,” or writing specific keywords and phrases, such as the names of your products or services. 

Build Quality Backlinks 

Another way to increase the visibility of your website is through backlinks, which are links on other websites that point to yours. The more reputable sites that link to yours, the higher you’ll rank in search results. 

Creating and posting original, high-quality content on your website is a great way to attract attention from Google and other search engines. This can include blog posts, videos, customer testimonials, and more. 

Write a Title Tag That’s Relevant To Your Website 

The title tag is the most important part of your website and it is the first thing that appears in a search engine when someone searches for your website. This tag will tell Google what your page is about and it’s important to use it wisely by including your primary keyword and making it enticing so that people want to click on your website. 

Your title tags should be short, descriptive, and contain your main keyword. This will help you stand out in a sea of websites and it will also give Google more context about what your page is about so it can better rank your site for those keywords.