How to Make Sure Your Law Firm’s Website is Mobile Friendly for SEO Purposes?

As law firms and attorneys continue to fight for business, they need to make sure their websites are optimized for mobile devices. Search engines are now using mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor, and this is one of the biggest things attorneys can do to improve their rankings. Contact us to learn more about seo consultant mesa

Law firm SEO is a tricky thing to master, especially when you’re in a very competitive industry. Fortunately, there are some simple tips that will help you increase your website’s visibility and drive more clients to your practice. 

1. Focus on Keyword Research.

Keyword research is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and it’s especially important for attorneys and law firms. By doing your research, you’ll be able to find low-competition keywords that have a high search volume and target the right type of clients. 

2. Create a Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy.

One of the best ways to get more leads from your website is by implementing a multi-channel marketing strategy. This includes social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. Creating content that’s relevant to your client base will help you build a strong online presence and will encourage potential clients to contact your law firm. 

3. Invest in Conversion Optimization.

It’s easy to get caught up in the search engine optimization (SEO) process, but remember that the end goal is not traffic – it’s clients. By taking the time to optimize your site for conversion, you’ll be able to attract more visitors and ultimately generate more revenue for your law firm. 

4. Keep Your Site Clean and Clutter-Free.

Having a messy, confusing website can hurt your law firm’s ranking. Having too many images, too much text, and unorganized navigation can turn away visitors and detract from your website’s SEO. Make sure your content is informative and organized, and that each page has a clear call to action. 

5. Use Geo-Specific Keyword Phrases.

When you target local search terms, it helps you stand out from competitors and increases the likelihood that potential clients will see your firm in the results. Try to incorporate a few key phrases into your title tags, meta descriptions, and H-tags. Also, be sure to add your location to your Google+ profile and include it in the description of your listing on Yelp. 

6. Build Links on Relevant Pages/Sites.

Backlinks are a big factor when it comes to ranking, and it’s important to build links on relevant pages/sites. This can be done by commenting on other attorney blogs, guest blogging, or participating in forums related to your area of practice. Just be careful not to buy links, which can be seen as spam by search engines and may actually harm your ranking. 

  1. Create YouTube Videos and Embed Them on Your Website.

Adding a video to your website can be a great way to attract more clients and build trust. A video is a powerful tool in the legal world, and it can help your firm’s website rank higher on Google searches. Plus, people love to watch videos!