How Can Content Be Repurposed and Used For SEO? 

Sharing content in multiple formats makes it easy for your audience to consume. People are more likely to remember information that they’ve read or seen repeatedly. Repeated content also helps them remember your brand. If you’re a business, chances are you’ve created a lot of content over the years. By recycling, republishing, or updating the content you already created, you’ll have a constant queue of content ready to share with your audience. Contact us to learn more about seo agency in mesa


Infographics are an effective way to tell a story, and they’re also a great way to boost your SEO rankings. They’re visually appealing, and they increase the chances that people will stick around on your website. And because they’re visual, they can also attract people to share your infographics on social media. 

You can repurpose infographics by breaking them into single images and posting them on popular social networks. For example, Instagram allows you to share multiple photos in a slideshow format. So, if your infographic is longer than a single image, you can share a couple of slides instead of one large image. LinkedIn is another great social media platform for repurposing and sharing infographics. In this case, you can share a sneak peek of your infographic, and then include a link to the full version. 

Besides increasing your SEO, infographics can also help you generate backlinks. Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. Having a large number of inbound links on your website will boost your search ranking. Another benefit of infographics is that they can help you target long-tail keywords and increase your click-through rate. 

Blog posts 

Reusing old blog posts can help you generate more traffic for your website. Content is king. However, the topics and content of blog posts often change over time. Therefore, you can reuse old blog posts, update them with fresh content, and publish them again. You can even republish old posts and use them as SEO-friendly content. 

Reusing old blog posts is a great way to maximize your SEO and maintain the audience for your site. Every site has a few top-performing blog posts. By using the same URL, you can target the same keyphrases for increased SEO. For example, you can use an old article for a promotional campaign and reuse it in your social media accounts. 

Another way to reuse old blog posts is to turn them into ebooks. For example, you can create an eBook with SEO-related topics and convert it into a list of blog posts. You can also break up a long ebook into a series of short articles. 

Evergreen content 

Evergreen content is an effective way to keep your website fresh and relevant to your target audience. However, it should be remembered that it can also become outdated as the industry changes. Therefore, it is important to periodically update your evergreen content to keep it relevant. The best way to do so is to build a social media campaign around it. 

Ideally, evergreen content should focus on keywords with the highest search volume, but low search volume shouldn’t be overlooked either. Evergreen content should also be focused on the intent of searchers. While popular industry topics have already been covered hundreds of times, it is important to create content that adds a new spin to the topic. It is also important to research long-tail keywords, which have little competition and decent traffic. This will increase the value of your content and make it more likely to move up the search engine results. 

Evergreen content has been shown to boost website traffic, even if it is not relevant to current trends. It also has a steady search traffic pattern over time, with no big spikes or drops. In addition, evergreen content has proven to be highly relevant for SEO, and even small businesses can compete for top positions online.