Mesa SEO

If you’re wondering how PageSpeed Insights affect SEO, the short answer is “yes”. Page speed is a major ranking factor, and Google explicitly treats it as such. Specifically, page speed affects bounce rate and the number of time users spends on a page. Contact us to learn more about

Page speed affects bounce rate 

A website’s bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing one page. It is affected by several factors, including content, page design, and page speed. A slow page can cause a high bounce rate. It is possible to decrease the bounce rate by reducing the page’s load time. Using Google’s PageSpeed Insights, you can test the speed of your page. Simply enter the URL of your site and the tool will analyze your page. 

The page’s speed is measured by how long it takes for information to be delivered from the web server to the browser’s screen. The longer a page takes to load, the higher its bounce rate and the lower its average session duration. A slow page may also reduce conversions and negatively affect the overall ranking of a site. Bounce rates are calculated by taking the number of zero-second sessions divided by the total number of page sessions. 

As a webmaster, you should take page speed seriously. Google’s algorithm includes page speed as a ranking factor, and it is important to make sure your site is fast enough for your visitors. A slow page can cause people to leave the page, which could hurt your search rankings and revenue. 

Page speed affects session time 

Page speed has an impact on many aspects of your website. Not only does it affect bounce rate, but it also affects the number of pages that are viewed during a session. A slow website can cause a visitor to leave after only viewing one page. This is why it’s crucial to ensure that your website loads quickly. 

Page speed is a ranking factor that Google considers. It has been considered a factor since 2010 and has only stepped up in importance in 2018. In May of 2020, Google is expected to release a major update that will further penalize websites that take a long time to load. 

The performance of your website is critical to the success of your business. A slow website will discourage visitors, which can negatively affect your revenue. A slow website will lose up to 14 percent of all visitors. If a page takes more than three seconds to load, it will most likely result in a visitor abandoning the page. 

Page speed is also a major factor in organic traffic. In addition to affecting search engine rankings, page speed affects conversions. The more time it takes for a visitor to view a page, the less likely they are to purchase or sign up for your product. This is especially true for mobile users, where 53% will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.